Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jaxson~~Reading is Fun~~(Not so)Extreme Home Makeover

Six years ago, from November 10th, 2008, we were blessed as a family by adding another member to it. Jaxson Thomas was born at 1:55 pm. He has continued to be a blessing to us.

This year he turned 6! I thought I would list six funny things about this funny boy.
  1. He has a SUPER memory. He recites commercials or TV shows after just seeing them once. People leave their numbers on our answering machine, Jaxson will remember them for months!!
  2. This boy LOVES to read. When I asked him what he wanted for this birthday, he said "Another set of books, Mom!"
  3. He loves to snug in the recliner. ( Okay, I love it too...)
  4. He is so kind to his brother. Jaxson invited two of Dalton's friends to his birthday party, "so that Dalton will not be lonely."
  5. He decided that he may not get married because "I am going to be driving around all of the time." Apparently, he is going to grow up to be a police man and he will be driving around catching bad guys and wont have time for a wife. Once he reconsidered, he said maybe he could drive around for a few days, and then " stop in and see how his wife is." (I am so glad he plans ahead.)
  6. Jaxson is just a bright spirit and he brings so much happiness and joy into our family. He has a huge heart and an even bigger sense of adventure!

We love you Jax! Happy Birthday!!

His birthday party this year was at Blast Off. Him and 10 friends played in the ball pit, ate pizza, and ran off tons of energy. He got lots of great gifts and then got to take a trip in the balloon prize vault. He had to catch as many balloons as he could. He caught 2 and won a prize.

On evening, I heard the boys giggling uncontrollably. I came downstairs to find this.

I didn't realize how much fun reading was.....

Actually, they were looking at cross sections of machines, trains, planes,buildings, and so forth. There were cartoon pictures of people in their underwear. Somehow this led to the uncontrollable giggling. Go must be a boy thing...Anyway, it makes me happy to see them doing things together and being happy.

Here are some pictures of the makeover in our master bedroom. It is not anything really major, but we have not changed anything in there since we moved in about 8 years ago. This makeover started because my mom is making us a comforter for Christmas. It is done in shades of purple. I thought that I would change up/update the walls a little since I was getting a new comforter. Here are a few photos. Notice how I used the black chipboard accents to jazz up my photo frames. I also added the rub on scroll to the lampshade and hot glued the fringe on. It was so fun to "makeover" some of the frames, lamps, and pictures that I already had.

These are pillows that my mom and her friend Judy made. They sewed them by hand!I cannot wait til the whole thing is complete. Guess I will have to wait for Christmas!!

Have a great day!!



Pickett Fences said...

Happy late birthday Jaxson!

It is crazy the our boys are 6 years old already. It looks like he had fun at his party.

Kim Rose said...

Happy Birthday Jax!
What a cutie!
Love the quilt. Your Mom is so talented!

Nancy Keller said...

Happy Birthday Jaxson! I am loving your purple stuff. I do love purple! HEY! I made me a blogspot! Woohoo!

Penny said...

Oh where, Oh where has Tiffany gone, Oh Where, Oh where can she be???